

         新疆宇飞气模是一家专业从事充气玩具、升空气模、升空气球、广告气模、水上运动产品、充气广告制品、落地气模、舞星系列、气模产品造型、开发和生产的专业厂家。产品现已销售全国各个省市,远销韩国、日本、俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、台湾等国家和地区。 我厂产品始终坚持高质量、高标准、并适时迎合市场需求,现已开发上百个大型充气玩具级广告产品。 我们的宗旨是“质量求生存、信誉求发展”。我们愿以最新的管理,最新的产品与您携手共进!欢迎垂询。欢迎惠顾!

      Yu-fei gas model is a professional inflatable toys, die or air, the balloon took off, the advertising model gas, water sports products, inflatable advertising products, air landing module, Wuxing series, gas-product modeling, development and production of professional manufacturers. Sales of the product have been various provinces and municipalities, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, and other countries and regions. I plant products always adhere to high quality standards and timely response to market demands, has been developed more than 100 large inflatable toys-advertising products. Our aim is "the quality of survival, the credibility of development." We want the latest management, the latest products and hand in hand with you! Welcome inquiries. Welcome patrons!

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